It has been said that most of life is not what happens to us, but rather how we in turn respond.
It may be easy to blame our attitude on our situation, but our attitude is the result of our choice. When we make excuses and say things like, “It’s not my fault I acted that way,” or, “Of course I had a bad attitude. Do you now what I’ve had to deal with this whole time?” we are giving up responsibility for some of the few things in life that we can actually control.
Regardless of the situation, we still have a choice. We can choose to grumble, or we can choose to be grateful; we can choose to be gracious, or we can choose to be offended; we can choose to just get by, or we can choose do what we do with excellence.
In life, there are numerous things out of our control, but the ability to choose how we respond in any given situation is not one of them.