We’re often told to find the work we love. But what would happen if we were to also focus on learning to love the work we’re already doing?

Instead of looking for something “better” down the road, what if we put the same amount of energy into being fully engaged in the work we already have? Choosing to be proactive, taking responsibility, looking to engage and improve, giving our very best, and doing it all with a great attitude.

And what if we did this not only in our “jobs,” but in all the different “work” we do? It may be tempting to keep looking down the road, waiting for whatever’s next in life–the the next job, the next relationship, the next promotion, the next house, the next season of life–and miss out on the reward of putting ourselves fully into the work at hand.

No, the current state of affairs may not always be ideal, or what we would have liked, but we still have a choice of how we will live and work in the midst of the situation.

In life, there are many things we have little control over, but we do have a say in the kind of person we’re becoming, and it’s important to remember that who we become in the future is contingent on the choices we make today. This includes the choice to embrace the current situation and make the most of it, instead of solely watching for something better down the road.