Regardless of how great everything seems to be going, or how terrible it may appear, eventually things do change. A great day today does not guarantee a great day tomorrow, and neither does a terrible day today guarantee a terrible day tomorrow. Sometimes the ones who seem to have it all one day, lose it in a moment. And sometimes those who seem to have nothing, end up with more than they could have dreamed for.
At least on the outside. The reality is we can’t control the external things that happen to us or around us. And these can and do change from day to day and moment to moment. Yet, while we cannot control what happens to us, we can control our response.
When things are going well, we can stay humble and be thankful. We don’t know how long these times will last, but we can be grateful when they arrive. On the other hand, when things are rough, we can still choose to be thankful for the things we do have–even if that seems to be just life itself–and live in the hope that better days are ahead.
Things will change–that’s a given. The question is, how will we respond when they do?