Today I was reminded of the motivating effect affirmation can have. You’ve probably experienced something similar: Someone affirms something you’ve done or that you’re doing, and you immediately feel motivated to keep doing good work in that area. It’s like once you’ve been praised for good work, you feel as if you now have a reputation to uphold, and an accompanying motivation to do so.
And just as others can do this for us, we can do the same for others—we can call out their best though affirmation and encouragement. Not in a manipulative or hollow way, but genuinely affirming the good we see. Because when we do, not only will those around us feel better about themselves, but they are more likely to be motivated to keep up the good work. And when that happens—when everyone is self-motivated to continue to excel in those areas they’ve been affirmed in—both the individuals and the group will be better off.