Last night I attended a year-end awards night for a local organization that focuses on leadership development among urban youth. One of the awards recognized a handful of students that had demonstrated an impressive consistency in showing up week-in and week-out throughout the entire year. The comment was made that “showing up” is huge part of success in life, and I think I agree.

There’s something significant about being able to persevere, day-in and day-out, at whatever you’re doing—whether it be school, or sports, or work, or something else that has your attention. Regardless of what you’ve committed to, there will be days where you may feel like quitting, or not showing up. But if what you’re doing is worthwhile, and is something you’re able to do, there’s value in sticking with it, even on those days where it’s not quite as fun as it once was.

Often it’s not the smartest or brightest, but those who persevere, who end up succeeding in their chosen area. Talent is important, but it’s useless if you don’t show up.

Anyone can start something, but sticking with it is a different story. Yet it’s this ability to stick with it that often makes all the difference in the end.