A couple nights ago, I found myself getting annoyed because our daughter needed help ‘going potty’…again. She’s still young, and has been potty-trained, but she’s still in that stage where she needs some help when she has to go.

As I got out of bed to go help her, I found myself thinking, ‘It used to be so much easier. We didn’t use to have to get up and help her go potty during the night.” Then I realized what I was saying.

Of course it was easier—at least in that one regard—but it was because she use to have a diaper on! And I certainly don’t want to go back to that. Yes, we didn’t have to get up and help her go potty during the night, but there were still some downsides—namely, dirty diapers.

Sometimes it’s easy to complain about something without realizing that the alternatives may not actually be better. And this realization can end up making us thankful for the little inconveniences of today.