As humans, much of what we do is connected to habits that we’ve formed throughout our lives. And this is true not only of what we do, but even how we think.

Unfortunately, sometimes these engrained habits can end up hurting us, but we may be completely unaware of the effect they’re having. This is especially true when it comes to our thought patterns. Over time, we may develop ways of thinking that are not helpful, or perhaps even destructive, and not even realize it.

The way we think affects everything. So if we’re not thinking about life properly, the effects can be wide ranging. But if we’re unaware that there’s even a problem, we won’t feel the need to address it. Which means that it will continue to impact us, while we remain oblivious.

The challenge is to be aware of the habits and patterns that drive us, especially in our thinking. And although this can be quite difficult, not doing so only consigns us to continue on the path we’re on, which may or may not be where we really want to go.