There are bound to be days or times when our motivation drops or our energy dips. And if we’re in the work of creating, that can prove to be a challenge. What do we do when we just don’t feel like doing much of anything?
One thing I’ve found helpful is to use the times when I am motivated to go ahead and prepare for the inevitable dips when I won’t be. For instance, if I’ve committed to blogging each day, on the days where I’m motivated and feeling good, I can start working on potential future posts, or at least write out a list of topics or quotes that I can use as starting points down the road. That way, on the days when motivation is lacking, I already have something started that I can keep working on. Which means I don’t have to exert a large amount of energy or focus to try to come up with something new from scratch.
We still have to choose to do the work. But by planning ahead, we can remove some of the barriers we might otherwise encounter. Ultimately, we all know life is full of ebbs and flows. So it makes sense to prepare accordingly.