As 2016 approaches, I’m beginning to think through what I’d like to see happen in the coming year. I realize no one knows the future, but I’ve found that identifying specific areas to focus on, or goals to shoot for, can be helpful in moving forward. Not only do they help us grow intentionally instead of simply drifting along, but there’s something deeply satisfying about taking steps towards a destination we want.
Whether it be in health or business or relationships or finances or character, knowing we’re making progress towards a desired end will often bring along a sense of joy, even if the moment itself may be difficult.
For instance, maybe you’ve experienced the exhaustion that comes during a work out. And even though your muscles may ache, there’s still a sense of satisfaction knowing that you’re taking steps in the right direction—e.g. getting stronger. The same thing can happen in other areas of life where we are intentionally looking to grow. We may be experiencing difficult times—times that are exhausting and tiring and hard—but can still have a sense of joy, knowing we’re moving towards some desired destination.
But for this takes place, we need to have something we’re moving towards. Yes, our journeys will take unexpected turns and our plans will inevitably need to be adjusted. There will be times where there is difficulty and pain. But simply knowing we’re taking steps forward, regardless of how slow it may seem, can help us find joy and satisfaction along the way.