What’s the best way to defeat temptation? One surefire way is to avoid it altogether.

No, we cannot avoid every temptation in life. But we can be proactive about not intentionally exposing ourselves to things we know will tempt us. If I’m trying to lose weight, and I struggle with snacking on junk food, removing all the junk food around the house is a smart move. What was once a temptation is no longer even an option. This same principle goes for anything we know could trip us up.

It’s not a sign of weakness to do avoid temptation. It’s a sign of humility. The proud or naive think they cannot fall. But most of us realize we have weaknesses.

Will this approach keep you from ever being tempted? Of course not. But it’s easier to avoid it when you can, and deal with it when you have no other choice, then to naively think you’re stronger than you are.

Temptation, in all it’s various forms, is bound to come. But there’s no point in seeking it out.