When faced with a problem, it’s easy to go with the solution that’s worked in the past. And in many cases, that makes sense. Why not use what’s already been proven instead of potentially wasting time on something new?

But there are also times when simply defaulting to the solution of yesterday can actually get in the way. It may have been a great solution at one point — it’s already been tested and proven — but holding on to it too tightly can also cause us to miss opportunities that don’t match the solution we have in our head.

So, do we go with what’s tried-and-true? Or do we seek a different solution? There’s no easy answer — both have their place. Remember, even the tried-and-true solutions of today were once new ideas too. But seeking only the new can result in a hamster-wheel experience — lots of motion but little long-term benefits. Holding only to what worked last time can get us stuck in a rut that we never get out of.

What we need is the wisdom to know what’s appropriate in each situation. Because sometimes the best course is the one that’s been tested. And sometimes the solution we need is the one we haven’t seen before.