I’ve found that although you can use the snooze button to delay getting out of bed, doing so doesn’t always help you feel more rested when you finally get going — especially if you hit it several times in a row. Once you hit it, you have a few minutes before it goes off again. And although it’s likely you’ll drift back to sleep, the quality of that sleep usually isn’t the greatest, and it’s possible you’ll end up just as groggy, if not more, as when the first alarm went off.

I’m thinking about this because I’ve been doing this very thing lately: hitting the snooze button several times — something I’ll be weening myself off of — but not feeling more rested as a result. I’ve also been thinking about how we can do the same thing in other areas of life. We might have a decision to make, or a conversation to have, or a project to finish, and we just keep postponing it. We keep kicking the can down the road, so to speak.

And while being intentional, and not being in a hurry, are good things, there comes a point where our delay isn’t going to make things better — rather, we’re just postponing the inevitable. Yes, there are times pausing is valuable and needed. But there also comes a point where it’s time to stop hitting the “snooze button” — whatever that looks like — and get on with the day.