There’s a saying I’ve been thinking about recently: ‘If you win the morning, you win the day.’

I know from my own experience, and from what I’ve heard from many others, that getting off to a good start in the morning tends to set me up for a better rest of the day. Now, that doesn’t make it easy — I know that personally — but a good start does make a difference.

What does a good start to morning look like? For some, it may be taking time to meditate or exercise or study. It may include time planning, or conversing with a loved one, or tackling specific high priority tasks. The common denominator is making sure the important things in our life (whether they be habits or relationships or tasks) get our attention first before other things have a chance to pull for our attention.

Now, regardless of when you actually wake up (whether you’re an early riser or not), the principle remains the same. How we start matters. And this applies to more than just how we use a day. It could be a relationship, a job, a project, or any number of thing. When the beginning goes well, everything else tends to go smoother down the road too.

Beginning well doesn’t ensure a good ending. But it does help get us closer toward that goal.